How To Say How Are You In Dutch
At a neutral level of politeness. A person can also be mooi.
As a courtesy these words will show your Dutch hosts that you appreciate their language and their ability to communicate with you in yours.

How to say how are you in dutch. Which is not specific to romantic love and can be used to express love for family members friends and things as well. The right use of prepositions can be difficult especially if used in. Examples are in to above under etc.
How are things with Joost. Uformal Hoe gaat het. People shake hands again when they leave and they will thank the person for the visitpresentmeetingdinner etc.
Video lesson 11 is about prepositions in DutchPrepositions are words that indicate a location or a direction. 2nd person singular formalpolite jullie. Ik like kick but without the first k Hou like how van like the first part of vanilla with a short a and jou pronounce the j like in you and the ou as in cow aand there you have it.
The most common way of greeting each other in The Netherlands is giving a handshake. A town or a city can be mooi. Hoe gaat het met jouw.
Learn how to say some basic Dutch phrases including greetings and various expressions to help make yourself understood. Its not impolite but not formal either and is the most widely used Dutch phrase by far. We are in a very early stage and we would like to keep growing as we did in the past years.
You can also use the phrase H alles goed Hey how are things. May 24 2018 Prepositions in Dutch. Dank is pronounced as written but je sounds like ya.
More formal Hoe gaat het met u. Jun 08 2018 In colloquial speech you can greet your friends with something like with Hoi hoe is ie which is the shortened form of Hoi hoe is het Hey howre you. An all-purpose expression of thanks is dank je which translated directly as thank you.
As you well know HowToSay is made by volunteers trying to translate as many words and phrases as we can. Je is the short form. Bavarian is a regional dialect of German spoken in the German state of Bavaria western Austria and Northeastern Italy by over 14 million people.
Waar ben jijje. In Dutch use the phrase ick how vin yo. Sep 08 2020 Mooi p retty beautiful sweet good.
Dec 01 2019 Saying Thank You in Dutch. May 25 2011 Ask and respond to How are you in Dutch. The formal version is Hoe gaat het met u hoo.
Mijn naam is Kevin. English translations are provided for all the phrases. Apr 07 2021 How to say hi how are you in dutch Basque is a language isolate and is unrelated to the other languages of Europe.
Dutch words for you include u je jij jullie jou gij gijlieden aan je and aan jou. Hoe gaat het met je how are things with you hoe gaat het met je familie how are things with your family and hoe gaat het met Joost. Hear MORE CHEESE NAMES pronounced.
For example if the name is Kevin it would be like this. To informally ask How are you in Dutch say Hoe gaat het hoo ghaht ut. To say my name is in Dutch you just need the word Mijn naam.
You pronounce it like this. The direct English translation is something like pretty but it means more along the lines of beautiful. Dec 15 2007 Hoe is t met jouwu.
My name is Kevin. Dec 07 2014 To say I love you. Basically anything in Dutch is mooi or pretty.
Nov 09 2015 This is simple. Jan 28 2021 If you need to be more specific and sometimes you do then youll glue an additional met to the original question followed by the person you are referring to. 2nd person plural So where are you can be.
It uses German grammar but takes several root words from Latin. 2nd person singular u. When someone introduces him or herself heshe will shake hands with you and say hisher name.
In Dutch there are 3 different pronouns that can be translated as you in English. Dutch words for how are you include alles goed met je hoe gaat het ermee hoe gaat het and hoe gaat het met u. Then say your name.
However if you want to express a deeper romantic attachment to someone you have been with for a while you can say.
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